Tuesday, December 30, 2008

quiz by davinia

=tag, i'm it=

#1 The first person who tag in your blog is?

#2 Your relationship with him/her?
My neighbour LOL

#3 Your impression of him/her?
Professor Trelawny, very eccentric, stays on 13th floor I think (LOL), LOVES harrypotter and anime, went with her for cosplay :D LATE NIGHT BORROWING SCANNER AND PRINTER HAH DONT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT HTAT.

#4 The most memorable thing he/she had done for u?
not make me feel left out when we went for cosplay together and I didn't know her friends > < And still being very friendly with me although we hadn't talked in ages.

#5 The most memorable thing he/she said to you?
Um, I can't remember.

#6 If he/she become your lover you will
o.O!??!?!??!? YURI! LESBIAN! HENTAI.

#7 If he/she become you lover, thing he/she has to improve will be
look at #6

#8 If he/she become your enemy, you will?
I can't imagine her being mean to me... Maybe cos I'm too nice.. HAHAHA

#9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be?
She won't. I'm too nice.

#10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?
Talk to her properly and have a hearty happy conversation!

#11 Your overall impression of him/her is?
swanky and crazy and having her own attitude (:

#12 How you think people around you feel about you
lame, hentai, short, overly-sensitive.

#13 The characters that you love about yourself are
my lameness and humour (hehehe)

#14 On the the contrary, what you hate about yourself?
My over-sensitivity.

#15 The most ideal person you want to be is?
like my sister who doesn't think much about things.

#16 For people that care and like you, say smth to them?
Thanks doooood :)

#17 Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you.
Pass to people with blogs only.
1. Sora
2. Denise
3. Minlu
4. Huiwei
5. Desiree
6. Kristy
7. Zuxin
8. Jocelyn
9. Mingquan
10. Steve

#18 Who is no.6 having relationship with?
Shermie Wormie

#19 Is no.9 a male or female?

#20 If 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
NO. one thing they dont even know each other, second thing i dont think they will even dig each other.

#21 What is no. 2 studying about?
Artsy Fartsy student who's doing rather Well-sy Mell-sy.

#22 When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?

#23 What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
Chinese and English Music (:

#24 Does no. 1 has any siblings?
Yep one younger sis

#25 Will you woo no. 3?
Duh, my boyfriend. Woo-ed and gotten :D

#26 How abt no. 7?
Cannot, I am not lightbulb (:

#27 Is no. 4 single?

#28 Whats the surname of no. 5?

#29 Whats the hobby of no. 10?
Annoying people by sending random soundclips of him being able to walk through walls. And playing with pets.

#30 Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?

#31 Where is no. 2 studying at?

#32 Talk something casually about no. 1

#33 Have you tried developing feelings for no. 6?
no later shermie wormie kill me with his airforce planes

#34 Where does no. 9 lives?

#35 What colour does no. 4 like?

#36 Are no. 5 and 1 best friends?
Nah. No 5 thinks No 1 is hentai.

#37 Does no. 1 have any pets?

#38 Is no. 7 th sexiest person in the world?
Yeah she is quite sexy at times

#39 What is no. 6 doing now?
Ah dunno. Playing diablo probably. :P or even better analysing the Marina Bay countdown festival advertisement tunes and spotting similarities between it and certain neopet games :-"

Saturday, December 06, 2008

China Immersion Trip! (2)

We reached the school pretty late, like around 6.30? That's almost 12 hours of travelling, and the sky was really dark by then too. Well since its winter... the sun doesn't linger around for long.

We went to Tianjin Yi zhong, supposedly the best high school in tianjing (and also where Zheyu came from) and the first high school built in Tianjin. So the name and the status match yeah. We gathered at the main lobby, which looks awfully like an office building just that its LARGER and HIGHER and GREYER. The whole scene is like soldiers' on the deathrow; Singaporeans on one side and Chinese on the other. Our fate lies in one single piece of paper!

But my suspense wasn't for long, since I was the second person to be called. My buddy's name is Yiwen! And for some reason I had a feeling she was RICH, cos her surname is 钱 (which is money in chinese), and she DOES LOOK LIKE A 有钱人! Some rich kid lar. I don't know just that, gut feeling?? I didn't tell her that though ^__^

Angeline's buddy is good friends with mine, so that's really great, at least I've got someone to speak English to. During the first night we ate Mcdonalds! And also during the first night I realised that my buddy has a BOYFRIEND! Not bad, meeting the boyfriend on the first day, and I kinda deduced it judging from the way both of them speak to each other. Tralalala... He was quite a nice chap, since he helped Angeline and I bring both our luggages (both 15kg) up a flight of stairs. I was like “可以吗??可以吗??” cos he really looked IN PAIN, but he was like "可以!可以!" In a very erm, strained voice. Nevermind. :-"

China's EVM in Mcdonalds is CHEAPER than Singapore! The price is about a student meal here. And the Filet O' Fish tastes nicer too! At least softer, I feel that Singapore's one is too fake >_> But the McSpicy is not as spicy, and its smaller too. AND I LOVE THEIR PEACH PIES AWWWW, I should bring that suggestion up to Singapore Mcdonalds one day.

Okay NOW ABOUT THE HOUSE! My buddy brought me to a new house, which is further away from the school lar, but its a condo and looks pretty swanky. There isn't much furniture laid out yet, but everything is neat and tidy and looks very presentable (:

I put my luggage here. AND NO I DO NOT SLEEP HERE.

The dining room. With yiwen's blue jacket right there.
their pretty living room. in which their tv has CHANNEL NEWS ASIA o.O

Apparently i forgot to take a picture of the room which has a bed. I slept with yiwen on a queen-sized bed which is pretty comfy. The thing that I didn't like was the piercing silence. Like PIERCING silence. I told her about it, and she suggested to her mom about MAKING SOME NOISE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. HAHA! But no lar she wasn't serious about that. Her mom is a really nice woman; looks motherly. I don't think yiwen stays with her mom much? Because her mom is a pretty busy woman, but I can see that they get along quite well (:

During the first official outing, her mom brought me to eat Beijing Roast Duck! From Quanjude, in which i'm going to eat from again later on in Beijing. Sadly I didn't take a picture of the restaurant! Because it looks really grand. The Chinese DO eat a lot too; we only ordered three sets of dishes (Duck, Beans and Soup) and it covered the entire table already O_O Ahhhh, but the duck was delicious :D

AND I WATCHED A MOVIE IN TIANJIN! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! :D:D Okay I sound retarded. Initially we were playing with the idea of either going for KARAOKE or a movie, but it's erm, quite embarrassing to sing along with them, so I reckoned a movie is better. 

A movie ticket in Tianjin is also cheaper than Singapore! costs 5 bucks! And the quality for the cinema is pretty good too, nice seats at least XD I have to compare quality with Princess in Bedok first because a movie ticket there is also 5 sing bucks. Anyway, 5 bucks is the price for a normal movie ticker lar; initially wanted to watch Journey to the Centre of the Earth in 3D, but the ticket price is like 16 sing bucks O.o So it was HELLBOY2 it is! :D Man, if this movie was in 3D I would have DIED. HAHA yiwen's mom was so afraid that she was covering her eyes throughout most of the movie (:


The next day, we went like shopping around... In this shopping centre near the school got Howhy, and i got some cool keychains XD Okay kinda inappropriate material for a shopping centre, since Angeline bought a nice skirt. Next we went to Starbucks and we met the boyfriend again, before hitting some bookshop, AND THEN THE MAIN THING,

I WENT TO A CONCERT! YAY! Like a 演唱会 concert okay! Sadly the singers were some oldies, 羽泉 according to her mom, but HECK, at least I've got the FEEL of a proper concert :D IMG_0309
where i was sitting. :D There were quite a lotta people!IMG_0310
The stage from where i was sitting.

I forgot if this was the yu or the quan lar one of them. He looks like a superstar!

yiwen was sick, so she was lying against her mom, and her mom was rubbing her leg for her. AwWW so sweettttt.

Okay that is all that I remember?? For the whole stay with my buddy that is. this is not including class times, another blogpost for it coming up! :D

China Immersion Trip! (1)

Finally! The long awaited post OF TWO WEEKS IN CHINA. Woohoo!

I left on 20th November to prepare for TWO WEEKS IN CHINA, aka, Immersion Trip in Tianjin for one week followed by another week in Beijing and Shandong. Was quite looking forward to it because it was my first immersion trip ever XD Got to the airport pretty early, like 6:20am? When we were supposed to meet at 6:40am. I met Kaiting... followed by Jinghuai! Then we got our passport thingys, before my mother brought us to Toast Box for a quick breakfast! I met another friend Yanhua there too. She's Jinghuai's secondary school friend too... and wow the three of them, Kaiting, Jinghuai and Yanhua are like total CHEENA! Feel that my Chinese is so much lousier compared to theirs...

Jinghuai, Yanhua, Me and kaiting (:

My mom and I (:

Then SIX HOUR FLIGHT FROM SINGAPORE TO BEIJING! It was really quite long, and surprisingly my ears weren't blocked that badly when the plane took off (: I watched two movies, The X files: I want to believe, and Cyborg She. The X files was kinda boring except for the last part where there were a few beheaded heads of humans and dogs. (and i screamed and kaiting got a shock) Cyborg She was a little better, you know how Japanese shows are like, where they give you a warm fuzzy feeling at the end of the movie. It's kinda like that for me, but I thought the girl (the robot) acted a bit too well >_> So robotic.

Anyways, after a looooong trip from Singapore to Beijing, we had to take another coach ride! From Beijing to Tianjin. Wonderful. It was a three-hour long ride, so I sat till my butt ached. And naturally I had a nice long nap. And did a bit of cam-whoring.

Me and Yanhua (: who sat with me on the bus, and whom we spent most of the time SQUEALING at the things that were outside (like sheep, and bird nests.. and er, bridges >_>)

Xulaoshi is a pro at camwhoring. Did you know that? :D

...Well if you look closely you can spot sheep on the grass...

Kaiting and jinghuai. tsk tsk, both act cute.

OKAY MORE TO COME. (wonders how I can even have a blogpost for getting to China...)