Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Long Overdue

I'm finally back. Today is Tuesday, and I didn't go to school, because I am sick. :( Down with the horrible flu. I hate getting sick but it comes finding me at the most unlikely of times. Doctor says it may be due to my sensitive nose (allergy to dustmites I presume) that caused the flu to come about.

Initially I wanted to go to school later in the day. But when I woke up, I felt like my legs weren't part of my body O.o Like they would fall off any moment or something, and my whole body was kinda sore and aching, just that it wasnt' really aching... I felt like I just woke up from a century of sleeping T__T So, thankfully I didn't go to school today.

I shall do some work... I have been highly unproductive today...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DESIREE! I am sorry for not being able to be in school today. Btw, you had a wonderful celebration at my house and at the temple downstairs too. Because today is the Jade Emperor's Birthday too!!! There were tons of people at the temple downstairs (because it is 天公庙) and my father suggested wearing goggles and showercaps if we want to pray because there will be lots of smoke and dust around; Bad for me, who has a bad flu :(

My sister went down though, but she slacked around; She only stood outside the temple eating icecream while watching people pray.


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