Monday, October 29, 2007

Lit Seminar

Desiree, Kristy, Amalina and I went for a Literature Seminar on Saturday at RGSS. It was raining when I got there, so thankfully I came in my father's car so it wasn't so bad. There was a slight jam outside RGSS too, but nothing to it.

It was a pleasant surprise when I saw other schools that attended the Lit Seminar too, like DHS! I saw Jocelyn and Xiaoyou ^_^ I really didn't expect them to be there! Haha, and there was Mdm Nora as well, and Wynne (?), lol all the funny people. Wynne and Tiffany and this other HC guy were up on stage presenting, and Wynne was there making funny hand gestures lol, so it was really amusing.

The first half of the Seminar was mostly TALKS, and despite efforts from the presenters to make their talks as interesting as possible (did they even try? maybe not.), it didn't stop me from falling asleep. Oh sheesh, my eyelids were half-closed throughout some of the talks, but there were some interesting bits that I got too, when I forced myself to open my eyes and pay attention. Desiree, Amalina and I signed up for a creative writing workshop, and hmmmm, my comment is the same as the former one. I'd prefer it if the presenter could at least, attempt to interact with the audience, instead of rattling on and on by himself. Maybe he did interact, ok then it wasn't working for me.

Teabreak was brilliant, proper food at least, with pizza and carrot cake! Lunch was okay, just packed food, but we had a fun time listening to Sneha, Bandana and Kristy talk about their friends' brushings pass idols. LOL, it was hilarious.

Oh! and this segment of the Lit Seminar that I absolutely loved! We watched a series of dramas presented by RI, HCI and Nanyang and some of them were not bad at all! The actor who played Portia in the first drama on the Parody of the Merchant of Venice was not bad at all! He looks like an indian scholar for some reason, even speaks like one as well. I liked the third Drama best, Soufflé :D:D It was something to do with foreign talents coming into Singapore, and the sophisticated front that you have to play in order to be recognised. The actor with the french accent was brilliant! There was also the last drama, lolll with their gayness and all, but their acting was not bad hahaha (:

Yes, and that was about it. It ended off with a big bang, so we four decided to go to Taka to get some stuff to eat before going home. What a tiring day that was, yes it was.


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