Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Chinese O Levels

YAY, IT'S OVER! Chinese O levels are finally over, well this one single major exam. Prepared more than enough for it, better than lesser, so yes I've already done my best ^_^

(even if I haven't, there's nothing I can do about it -.-)

I nearly didn't wake up today until my sister woke me up. Turns out that I forgot to make my alarm > < But wheeeeeeee, at least I have cool sisters (: My father brought me straight to NJC too so yay, I have a cool father (: hahahaha, I got there pretty early though. Lynna and Qingyun were there before me. And well, I really felt like sleeping then too -.-

Okay, so we were there, at the examination ground, and I was feeling darn sleepy. But thankfully I managed to get myself back together during the exam when I started writing at some god-like speed LOL. Like some printer or something. Yeah, but I did 公函 instead of 演讲稿。 I was more familiar with that yeah, so might as well do it (: I did 报章报道 for 作文 too, since well I studied more for it.

There was Paper 2 after that and I felt so totally drained man, like really very tired. But at least I managed to complete the paper and write whatever I felt was correct! Thankfully the paper was more of 复述题 instead of those 感想 ones, so its not so bad. Kinda brainless answering. lalala.

In the end I'm not keeping my hopes high, lest I fall badly. What matters is the process, what matters is the process, what matters is the process!

Didn't go out after the papers, what a no-lifer. Cleaned up the range with Desiree and Shujen, and played a little pool with an ahem, not-too-friendly pool table -.- It refused to receive any of the balls that I hit! Or maybe I was too strong LOL. Anyway, I went home instead, and slept from 4-7. It was wonderful ahhh. I should start sleeping early.

(and I wonder when I will ever do that.)


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