Tuesday, December 11, 2007

There was Morning PT yesterday, and it started off with a friendly game of Captain's Ball! There was a lot of dodging and catching and monkeying around, but basically it turned out fine. Hanxiao got a chance to showcase his zai bball skills, with him snatching balls and throwing them around. But thankfully Desiree and I managed to get a goal at the last minute, even with him as the goalkeeper! xD

Okay, so I made my way to Denise's house later on. She has a new guinea pig! It's name is Missy

Ain't it cute!

Besides playing with Missy, we played other games too. Denise, Esther and Evan taught me how to play 500, a game that looks like Bridge, and yeah I was intimidated by their competitiveness. Is it just me? But there was a whole lot of shouting and scamming hur. We played Game of Life too. Evan and I were fighting over the $100,000 salary because 1) He could exchange it for 4 Life tiles 2) I could exchange it whenever double 8,9,10s were spun! Denise was frightening everyone with her sudden exclaimations of ONE!!! because she was an artist, and she would get $10,000 if one was spun. ...And Esther was practically earning big bucks, because she was a computer consultant, and whenever the spinner stops between numbers or falls off track, she gets $50,000! That's a loooooooot of money.

I lost the game well -_- Evan won it with a grand total of 3+million. Lol.

Went home after that... It was such a tiring day I just lay on the floor and slept.


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