Wednesday, August 08, 2007

halfday! the long-desired day has finally descended... with a price of having tons of projects and homework. >_> But I shan't be pessimistic, it was still fun.

National Day celebrations in school first thing in the morning. Well it started off with the standard flag-raising and stuff, but of course with the standard bringing up of the Singapore Flag up the stand. The anthem and pledge seemed to be recited extra loudly too, weird. That was followed by performances and fun: mascot stuff, 3-minutes of fame (COOL BEAT-BOXING) and stuff.

I think I spent most of my time going to the snacks corner or the toilet, or merely standing at a corner stoning. And teasing Minlu for the fun of it.

Went out with Kristy, Huiwei, Desiree, Minlu, Lynna, Charlyn, Amalina, CS, Fudi, Jiasheng, Zuiqiu and Zichao from 05. Kaiting didn't go unfortunately ): We went to Cine to get tickets and O.o they had like 10+ shows in one day?! And the good thing is that they weren't all selling fast XD Yay.

Overall, I'll give the movie 3.5/5. On the bright side, some of the scenes were really touching, and I think Jay wanted to give it an old, classical and elegant feel, thus the antique-looking setting. I personally liked the old piano building since it has a very mysterious yet warm feeling about it. On the down side, the scenes seem to progress rather quickly, from meeting->relationship->"till death do us part". It seemed a bit unnatural that it's like that, but well, it's a love story >__> It was rather complicated as well.

see more!

Well, the scenes do leave lasting impressions (:

We went out after that, and just hanged out at Heeren, looked at CDs and stuff... Nothing else after that. Oh but Kristy, Ama, Minlu and I left earlier though cos felt rather tired and all... We went to Taka library for a while because I had to return books. Hahaha, saw Wanyun, Andy and Xiangyin at Taka! As well as many other NJC people, like Audrey's Sister, Shujen and Beehim.

There was a hilarious scene that happened at Taka library. Because Wanyun met the four of us (minus me), and did some jumping thing on Minlu.

Kristy "Oh, I thought it was you who did the jumping thing so I said, yo. Then I realised it was Wanyun, so I was like, HI~!"


Kristy "AIYA! we just parted about ten minutes lor! You think every moment we say HI!!!! so enthu to you meh! Like this!"

*walks off and ignores me*
*turns towards me after ten seconds and eyes widening in surprise*


--repeats ritual for two times---

It was darn funny.

yeah but well, we walked around orchard library. Orchard has a lot of manga, but it doesnt have any decent books -__- I saw a cool book on Dogs though.

Then went home with Ama and yes that was about it. Happy Holidays!


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