Saturday, November 11, 2006

I don't know why I'm blogging everyday. Perhaps I'll stop blogging for a while... soon. Perhaps during shooting camp or OBS the fun of blogging may just go away.

Yeah well, I went to Biennale with Denise again today! Tsk, she made me wait 45 minutes for her! Wahh, I nearly fell asleep while leaning against the pillar. Spent some time drying myself, since it was raining. It's always raining these days, monsoon season I guess. So Denise was late, since she was drenched by the rain. The distance from her house to the MRT station is so short compared to mine lah! And she was wearing shortsssss. She insisted on returning home to change since she couldn't stand it. -___-

Lol, nvm. So, we went to the Biennale! It was pretty creepy in there... Not many people were around. Perhaps cos its the 2nd last day...

Denise had to do this art review on 3 art pieces. The first one which we chose was something that had to do with "Time is money". It showcased money in terms of time. I took some pictures and they're pretty cool. It was quite fun trying to decipher the meaning behind those exhibits too.

Bills which are worth 20 minutes. Cool!

Bills which are worth 1, 5 and 10 minutes

A 20 minute dollar bill was exchanged for this wet tissue packet. This man queued up for 20 minutes for it. Zzzz, the amount of time one would spend for worthless things.

Hahaha, then we went to this other red one... It was quite inspiring since it was about racial discrimination and all. I felt that it was talking about the Iraqi Civil War, since one of the characters look Iraqi. x__x Hope I'm right.

4 fellow "Iraqis (?)" sitting in a row.

Draped with a red cloth.

Individual faces draped in red cloth

Okay, thats about it for this exhibit. Perhaps the red cloth is to symbolise the fact that, although those 4 people are from different parts of Iraq and currently have a Civil War due to their differences, they are still One Country altogether. The red cloth draped over them hides their differences and proves that they are still very similar in the end.

Hehehe, okok I'll just post these up... There's no time to post the other exhibit up, and Zzzz, I hope this post isn't too boring for you people since its too arty and you all might not be interested in it. >__< align="left">



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